Monday, February 2, 2009

Thomas Kinkade Key West

Thomas Kinkade Key WestThomas Kinkade GracelandThomas Kinkade Fisherman's Wharf
months after putting up a facebook profile, I’m utterly bored. I’ve said it. I’m sure I’ll be assaulted by the Facebook cultists, but it’s true.
I had failed to check my account until recently when it appeared that several friends had sent me quizzes. I love these friends (, I’d just rather connect (eh-gad!) in person.
I admit, I use Facto plug articles, videos, and other things that I hope my “community” of friends and colleagues will enjoy and pass on to others. In this way it serves a practical purpose. But it says little about me or what I’m truly about, except for where I live, my interests, perhaps what organizations I give to, or my political or religious affiliation (which I don’t even state). I can networkand if you’re reading, please don’t take offense), but I don’t have time for quizzes. I’d rather you quiz me in person so we can have a good laugh together. I’d rather we go see a movie. I’d rather we enjoy each other’s company. Lately

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