Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Andy Warhol Shadows I

Andy Warhol Shadows IAndy Warhol sam One Blue PussyAndy Warhol Portrait of Maurice
Canada, South Africa and China. But in America the rate was over 10 percent. Ten years later, in 1946, the divorce rate in this country had reached the alarming figure of 37 percent. Yet this represents only a fraction of the couples who US Census Bureau predicted that one of every two marriages now occurring could end in divorce.]
We have to try to comprehend the full extent of the catastrophe which the consequences of this failure of the marriage relationship will produce during the next two decades. We have to bear in mind that children from broken Homes incline toward juvenile delinquency, psychosomatic diseases, mental disturbances, perversion, and, later, impotence, frigidity, alcoholism, crime and prostitution. Therefore it is clear that every effort to build up a better marital life means want a divorce. One out of every two or three of the remaining married couples desires divorce but refrains out of moral compunctions, consideration for the children or financial difficulties. This brings us to the startling conclusion that out of every hundred marriages in this country, perhaps ninety are unsatisfactory. [NOTE: In 2002 the

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