Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dali The Mirror of Chivalry

Dali The Mirror of ChivalryDali The MessiahDali The Land of Milk and HoneyDali The Land Come to Life
was just at this time that Gandalf reappeared after his long absence. For three years after the Party he had been away. Then he paid Frodo a brief visit, and after taking a good look at him he went off again. During the next year or two he had turned up fairly often, coming unexpectedly after dusk, and going off without warning before sunrise. He would not discuss his own journeys, and seemed chiefly interested in small news about and doings.Then suddenly his visits had ceased. It was over nine years since Frodo had seen or heard of him, and he had begun to think that the wizard would never return and had given up all interest in hobbits. But that evening, as Sam was walking and twilight was fading, there came the once familiar tap on the study window.Frodo welcomed his old friend with surprise and great delight. They looked hard at one another.‘Ah well eh?’ said Gandalf. ‘You look the same as ever, Frodo!’‘So do you,’ Frodo replied; but secretly he thought that Gandalf looked older and more careworn. He pressed him for news of himself and of the wide world, and soon they were deep in talk, and they stayed up far into the night.Next morning after a late breakfast, the wizard was sitting with Frodo by the open window of the study. A bright fire was on the hearth, but the sun was warm, and the wind was in the South. Everything

Friday, November 28, 2008

Neiman Orange Sky Sailing

Neiman Orange Sky SailingNeiman Opening Ceremonies - XXIII OlympiadNeiman Olympic TrackNeiman Olympic Runner
the Great Bridge in repair, and all other bridges and roads, speed the king's messengers, and acknowledge his lordship.Thus began the Shire-reckoning, for the year of the crossing of the Brandywine (as the Hobbits turned the name) became Year One of the Shire, and all later dates were reckoned from it. At once the western There for a thousand years they were little troubled by wars, and they prospered and multiplied after the Dark Plague (S.R. 37) until the disaster of the Long Winter and the famine that followed it. Many thousands then perished, but the Days of Dearth (1158-60) were at the time of this tale long past and the Hobbits had again become accustomed to plenty. The land was rich andHobbits fell in love with their new land, and they remained there, and soon passed once more out of the history of Men and of Elves. While there was still a king they were in name his subjects, but they were, in fact, ruled by their own chieftains and meddled not at all with events in the world outside. To the last battle at Fornost with the Witch-lord of Angmar they sent some bowmen to the aid of the king, or so they maintained, though no tales of Men record it. But in that war the North Kingdom ended; and then the Hobbits took the land for their own, and they chose from their own chiefs a Thain to hold the authority of the king that was gone. kindly, and though it had long been deserted when they entered it, it had before been well tilled,

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Lawrence Alma-Tadema The Colosseum

Lawrence Alma-Tadema The ColosseumLawrence Alma-Tadema The ColiseumLawrence Alma-Tadema Sappho and AlcaeusLawrence Alma-Tadema Preparations for the Festivities
Blimey, Harry, you nearly gave me heart failure!"

   Harry had pulled off the Cloak: The idea had come to him out of nowhere, born out of a desire to make absolutely sure.
"I've heard, yeah . . . What about it?" "It's got to be killed. Ron and Hermione know that, but just in case they ---"    The awfulness of that possibility smothered him for a moment, made it impossible to keep talking. But he pulled himself together again: This
"Where are you going, alone?" Neville asked suspiciously.

   "It's all part of the plan," said Harry. "There's someting I've got to do. Listen ---Neville ---"

   "Harry!" Neville looked suddenly scared. "Harry, you're not thinking of handing yourself over?"

   "No," Harry lied easily. "'Course not . . . this is something else. But I might be out of sight for a while. You know Voldemort's snake. Neville? He's got a huge snake . . . Calls it Nagini . . ."

Bouguereau Flora and Zephyr

Bouguereau Flora and ZephyrBouguereau Fardeau AgreableBouguereau Cupid with a ButterflyBouguereau After the Bath
Flitwick, a masked Death Eater dueling Kingsley right beside them. Students ran in every direction; some carrying or dragging injured friends. Harry directed a Stunnning Spell toward the masked Death Eater; it missed but nearly hit Neville, who had emerged from nowhere brandishing armfuls of Venomous Tentacula, which looped itself happily around the nearest Death Eater and began reeling him in.
"NO!" shrieked Hermione, and with a deafening blast from her wand, Fenrir Greyback was thrown backward from the feebly struggling body of Lavender Brown. He hit the marble banisters and struggled to return to his feet. Then, with a bright white flash and a crack, a crystal ball fell on top of his head
Harry, Ron, and Hermione sped won the marble staircase: glass shattered on the left, and the Slytherin hourglass that had recorded House points spilled its emeralds everywhere, so that people slipped and staggered as they ran. Two bodies fell from the balcony overhead as they reached the ground a gray blur that Harry took for an animal sped four-legged across the hall to sink its teeth into one of the fallen.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Romanello Summer Vista

Romanello Summer VistaRomanello Summer Moments IIRomanello Summer Moments IRomanello Spring Window
What's that matter?" said Crabbe, tugging himself free. "It's Potter the Dark Lord wants, who cares about a die-dum?"

   "Potter came in here to get it," said Malfoy with ill-disguised impatience at the slow-wittedness of his colleagues. "so that must mean –"
"Harry?" mimicked Crabbe. "What's going on – no, Potter! Crucio!"    Harry had lunged for the tiara; Crabbe's curse missed him but hit the stone bust, which flew into the air; the diadem soared upward and then
   "'Must mean'?" Crabbe turned on Malfoy with undisguised ferocity. "Who cares what you think? I don't take your orders no more, Draco. You an' your dad are finished."

   "Harry?" shouted Ron again, from the other side of the junk wad. "What's going on?"

Monday, November 24, 2008

Abrishami Ever lasting

Abrishami Ever lastingAbrishami Essence of LoveAbrishami Edge of LoveAbrishami Delighful Dance
inches. They waited

in the darkness, listening to the footsteps running up and down, beams of light flying along the street from the Death Eaters' searching wands.

"Let's just leave!" Hermione whispered. "Disapparate now!"
   "What about dementors?" called another Death Eater. "Let'em have free rein, they'd find him quick enough!" "The Dark Lord wants Potter dead by no hands but his - "    " 'an dementors won't kill him! The Dark Lord wants
"Great idea," said Ron, but before Harry could reply, a Death Eater shouted,

"We know you are here, Potter, and there's no getting away! We'll find you!"

   "They were ready for us," whispered Harry. "They set up that spell to tell them we'd come. I reckon they've done something to keep us here, trap us - "

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Remington Hussar Russian Guard Corps

Remington Hussar Russian Guard CorpsRemington Fight for the Water HoleRemington Comming to the CallRemington Buying Polo Ponies in the West
should not have taken the other way. From time to time, anger at Dumbledore crashed over him again, powerful as the waves slamming themselves against the cliff beneath the cottage, anger that Dumbledore had not explained before he died.

"But /is/ he dead?" said Ron, three days after they had arrived at the cottage. Harry had been staring out over the wall that separated the .

"Yes, he is. Ron, /please" don't start that again!"

"Look at the facts, Hermione," said Ron, speaking across Harry, who continued to gaze at the horizon. "The solve doe. The sword. The eye Harry saw in the mirror --"

"Harry admits he could have imagined the eye! Don't you, Harry?"

"I could have," said Harry without looking at her.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Breton A la Fontaine

Breton A la FontaineKnight Summer AfternoonBreton Les Vendanges A Chateau-LagrangeParrish Parrish Afterglow
the mirror fragment fell sparkling to the floor, and he saw a gleam of brightest blue –

Dumbledore's eye was gazing at him out of the mirror.
and saw nothing reflected there but the walls and ceiling of their prison, and upstairs Hermione was screaming worse than ever, and next to him Ron was bellowing, "HERMIONE! HERMIONE!"    "How did you get into my vault?" they heard Bellatrix scream. "Did that dirty little goblin in the cellar help you?"    "We only met him tonight!" Hermione sobbed. "We've never been inside your vault. . . . It isn't the real sword! It's a copy, just a copy!"
   "Help us!" he yelled at it in mad desperation. "We're in the cellar of Malfoy Manor, help us!"

The eye blinked and was gone.

   Harry was not even sure that it had really been there. He tilted the shard of mirror this way and that,

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Blaas In the Water

Blaas In the WaterBlaas On the BalconyBlaas Shared CorrespondanceBlaas A Pensive Moment
than Harry had heard them. Hardly any wizards believed in the Deathly Hallows. Was it likely that Voldemort knew about them?

   Harry gazed into the darkness…If Voldemort had known about the Deathly Hallows, surely he would have sought them, done anything to possess them: three objects that made the possessor master of Death? If he had known about the Deathly Hallows, he might not have needed Horcruxes in the first place. Didn't the simple fact that he had taken a Hallow, and turned it into a Horcrux, demonstrate that he did not know this last great Wizarding secret?
   Harry watched the cloudy sky, curves of smoke-gray and silver sliding over the face of the white moon. He felt lightheaded with amazement at his discoveries.
   Which meant that Voldemort sought the Elder Wand without realizing its full power, without understanding that it was one of three…for the wand was the Hallow that could not be hidden, whose existence was best known…The bloody trail of the Elder Wand is splattered across the pages of Wizarding history…

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Li-Leger Spa Inspirations I

Li-Leger Spa Inspirations ILi-Leger Spa DreamsLi-Leger Rainforest PoppiesLi-Leger Poppy Tile II
done, as the two young men sat practicing for their attempt at glory and domination? Is it possible that Ariana Dumbledore was the first person to die "for the greater good"?
 But he shook his head. Some inner certainty had crashed down inside him; it was exactly as he had felt after Ron left. He had trusted Dumbledore, believed him the embodiment of goodness and wisdom. All was ashes: How much more could he lose? Ron, Dumbledore, the phoenix
   The chapter ended here and Harry looked up. Hermione had reached the bottom of the page before him. She tugged the book out of Harry's hands, looking a little alarmed by his expression, and closed it without looking at it, as though hiding something indecent.

"Harry ---"


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Machado Tango A Robe Rouge

Machado Tango A Robe RougeMachado Sul Grande Canal VeneziaMachado Special EveningMachado Silence with a Musical Sentence
shake the hand of the witch or wizard who did it, probably saved my life."

   There was another pause in which the fire crackled and the river rushed on. The Ted said, "And where do you two fit in? I, er, had the impression the goblins were for You-Know-Who, on the whole."

   "You had a false impression," said the higher-voiced of the goblins. "We take no sides. This is a wizards' war."
   "Duties ill-befitting the dignity of my race," replied the goblin, his voice rougher and less human as he said it. "I am not a house-elf.""How come you're in hiding, then?"

   "I deemed in prudent," said the deeper-voiced goblin. "Having refused what I considered an impertinent request, I could see that my person safety was in jeopardy."

"What did they ask you to do?" asked Ted.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Edgar Degas dance class painting

Edgar Degas dance class paintingEdgar Degas Ballet Rehearsal paintingEdgar Degas Absinthe painting
He did it instinctively, without any sort of plan, because he hated the sight of her walking alone into the dungeon: As the door began to swing closed, he slipped into the courtroom behind her.
   There were more dementors in here, casting their freezing aura over the place; they stood like faceless sentinels in the corners farthest from the high, raised platform. Here, behind a balustrade, sat Umbridge, with Yaxley on one side of her, and Hermione, quite as white-faced as Mrs. Cattermole, on the other. At the foot of the platform, a bight-silver, long-haired cat prowled up and down, up and down, and Harry realized that it was there to protect the prosecutors from the despair that emanated from the dementors: That was for the accused to feel, not the accusers.
   It was not the same room in which he had once been interrogated for improper use of magic. This one was much smaller, though the ceiling was quite as high it gave the claustrophobic sense of being stuck at the bottom of a deep well.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Volk Warmth painting

Volk Warmth painting
David Winston Solitude painting
John William Waterhouse Crystal Ball painting
Harry woke early next morning, wrapped in a sleeping bag on the drawing room floor. A chink of sky was visible between the heavy curtains. It was the cool, clear blue of watered ink, somewhere between night and dawn, and everything was quiet except for Ron and Hermione's slow, deep breathing. Harry glanced over at the dark shapes they made on the floor beside him. Ron had had a fit of gallantry and insisted that Hermione sleep on the cushions from the sofa, so that her silhouette was raised above his. Her arm curved to the floor, her fingers inches from Ron's. Harry wondered whether they had fallen asleep holding hands. The idea made him feel strangely lonely.

   He looked up at the shadowy ceiling, the cobwebbed chandelier. Less than twenty-four house ago, he had been standing in the sunlight at the

Friday, November 14, 2008

Vincent van Gogh Red vineyards painting

Vincent van Gogh Red vineyards paintingVincent van Gogh Mulberry Tree paintingVincent van Gogh Bedroom Arles painting
It's no wonder I can't get it out, Hermione, you packed my old jeans, they're tight."

   "Oh, I'm so sorry," hissed Hermione, and as she dragged the waitress out of sight of the windows, Harry heard her mutter a suggestion as to where Ron could stick his wand instead.
She turned to Harry. "You – you don't think you've still got your Trace on you, do you, Harry?"    "He can't have," said Ron. "The Trace breaks at seventeen, that's Wizarding law, you can't put it on an adult."
   Once the café was restored to its previous condition, they heaved the Death Eaters back into their booth and propped them up facing each other. "But how did they find us?" Hermione asked, looking from one inert man to the other. "How did they know where we were?"

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gustav Klimt Apple Tree II painting

Gustav Klimt Apple Tree II paintingGustav Klimt Apple Tree I paintingSalvador Dali Tiger painting
He looked at Ginny, wanting to say something, though he hardly knew what, but she had turned her back on him. He thought that she might have succumbed, for once, to tears. He could not do anything to comfort her in front of Ron.

"I'll see you later," he said, and followed the other two out of the bedroom.

   Ron marched downstairs, though the still-crowded kitchen and into the yard, and Harry kept pace with him all the way, Hermione trotting along behind them looking scared.

Once he reached the seclusion of the freshly mown lawn, Ron rounded on Harry.

"You ditched her. What are you doing now, messing her around?"

"I'm not messing her around," said Harry, as Hermione caught up with them.


But Ron held up a hand to silence her.

"She was really cut up when you ended it--"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Leroy Neiman 37th Ryder Cup painting

Leroy Neiman 37th Ryder Cup paintingLeroy Neiman 18th at Valhalla paintingThomas Kinkade yankee stadium painting
Set limits. This is good for work or anything else that you tend to do too much. If you work 10-12 hour days, for example, set a limit of 8 hours per day, and stick to it. If you have a flexible schedule, you might consider working even less if you’re trying to make more room — many people have figured out ways to make a four-day workweek work for them (or a 4 Hour Workweek). What I’ve found is that if you set a limit (of 8 hours or 4 days or whatever), you’ll find a way to do the essential tasks within that limit. That might mean eliminating the non-essential tasks, cutting back on time-wasters such as casual Internet surfing, or automating or delegating or outsourcing things you don’t absolutely need to do yourself. * Make dates with family and friends. Instead of just saying, “I want to spend more time with my family and friends”, try actually making dates with them. That might mean romantic dates with your spouse or significant other, or non-romantic dates with your friends or kids or other family members. You don’t have to call it a date, but just schedule time with them on a regular basis to do something together. It doesn’t even have

Monday, November 10, 2008

Julius LeBlanc Stewart paintings

Julius LeBlanc Stewart paintings
Jeffrey T.Larson paintings
Everything changes with time -- and that's certainly true if you have bone loss from osteoporosis. Little compression fractures can affect the way you sit, stand, walk -- and look. You may be a bit shorter now, your posture a little different.
"These changes alter how a woman's clothes fit," says Susan Randall, RN, senior director of education for the National Osteoporosis Foundation. "Clothes don't seem to drape as they should. The length of a dress doesn't seem right -- it's down in front, pulling up in back, or the hem doesn't seem even."
Jean-Paul Laurens paintings
you tug here, tug there, then give up in frustration. "What's more -- it's difficult to find new clothes that fit any better," Randall tells WebMD. "The worst part is, you end up staying Home when you'd rather be out having fun."
So Randall offers these tips to women about finding clothes that hide problem areas. "We want people to feel good about how they look. Then they can participate fully in life... get the most joy out of life," she says.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thomas Kinkade HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS painting

Thomas Kinkade HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS paintingWinslow Homer The Houses of Parliament paintingWinslow Homer The Gulf Stream painting
Mirza Saeed saw Mishal, who was being supported by two of the village men, because she was no longer strong enough to stand up by herself. Ayesha was beside her, and Saeed had the idea that the prophetess had somehow stepped out of the dying woman, that all the brightness of Mishal had hopped out of her body and taken this mythological shape, leaving a husk behind to die. Then he was angry with himself for allowing Ayesha's supernaturalism to infect him, too.
The villagers of Titlipur had agreed to follow Ayesha after a long discussion in which they had asked her not to take part. Their common sense told them that it would be foolish to turn back when they had come so far and were in sight of their first ; but the new doubts in their minds sapped their strength. It was as if they were emerging from some Shangri-La of Ayesha's

Friday, November 7, 2008

John William Godward Nu Sur La Plage painting

John William Godward Nu Sur La Plage paintingJohn William Godward Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder paintingJohn William Waterhouse Echo and Narcissus painting
about them, something cannibalistic, an unwholesome smell? Have _black arts_ been practised here? -- The camera sees broken windows. It sees something burning in the middle distance: a car, a shop. It cannot understand, or demonstrate, what any of this achieves. These people are burning their own streets. outlaws_. Billy the Kid, Ned Kelly: these were men who stoodfor as well as _against_. Modern mass-murderers, lacking this heroic dimension, are no more than sick, damaged beings, utterly blank as personalities, their crimes distinguished by an attention to procedure, to methodology -- let's say
-- Cut. -- Here is a brightly lit video store. Several sets have been left on in the windows; the camera, most delirious of narcissists, watches TV, creating, for an instant, an infinite recession of television sets, diminishing to a point. -- Cut. -- Here is a serious head bathed in light: a studio discussion. The head is talking about _

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tamara de Lempicka Reclining Nude painting

Tamara de Lempicka Reclining Nude paintingTamara de Lempicka Kizette on the Balcony paintingBerthe Morisot At the Ball painting
back: "Look at me! See how quickly I learned! Aren't you pleased with me? Aren't you pleased?" It was a dream to weep at; for when he awoke, there was no bicycle and no child.
"What will you do now?" Mishal had asked him amid the wreckage of the Hot Wax nightclub, and he'd answered, too lightly: "Me? I think I'll come back to life." Easier said , after all, that had rewarded his love of a dream--child with childlessness; his love of a woman, with her estrangement from him and her insemination by his old ; his love of a city, by hurling him down towards it from Himalayan heights; and his love of a civilization, by having him bedevilled, humiliated, broken upon its wheel. Not quite broken, he reminded himself; he was whole again, and there was, too, the example of Niccolô Machiavelli to consider (a wronged man, his name, like that of Muhammad-Mahon-Mahound, a synonym for evil; whereas in fact

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Beaching the Boat painting

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Beaching the Boat paintingJoaquin Sorolla y Bastida Beach at Valencia paintingAlexandre Cabanel Harmony painting
running, her eyes blazing with fear. But Baal said, "It's all right. He won't make any trouble." He invited Salman the Persian to his own quarters and uncorked a bottle of the sweet wine made with uncrushed grapes which the Jahilians had begun to make when they found out that it wasn't forbidden by what they had started disrespectfully calling the Rule Book.
"I came because I'm finally leaving this infernal city," Salman said, "and I wanted one moment of pleasure out of it after all the years of shit." After Bilal had interceded for him in the name of their old friendship the immigrant had found work as a letterwriter and all-purpose scribe, sitting cross--legged by the roadside in the main street of the financial district. His cynicism and despair had been burnished by the sun. "People write to tell lies," he said, drinking quickly. "So a professional liar makes an excellent living. My love letters and famous as the best in town because of

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tamara de Lempicka La bella Rafaela painting

Tamara de Lempicka La bella Rafaela paintingTamara de Lempicka Girl in a Green Dress paintingTamara de Lempicka Calla Lilies painting
daughters. "And you, the children of my despair, why you spend your time sitting up there with a sick person while your youth is flying by, who can say, but in this Vilayet it seems everything I used to know is a lie, such as the idea that young girls should help their mothers, think of , attend to studies, and not go sitting with goats, whose throats, on Big Eid, it is our old custom to slit."
Her husband remained solicitous, however, even after the strange incident that took place when he ascended to the attic and suggested to Saladin that the girls might not have been so wrong, that perhaps the, how could one put it, possession of his body could be terminated by the intercession of a mullah? At the mention of a priest Chamcha reared up on his feet, raising both arms above his head, and somehow or other the room filled up with dense and sulphurous smoke while a highpitched vibrato screech with a kind of

Monday, November 3, 2008

Paul Gauguin What Are You Jealous painting

Paul Gauguin What Are You Jealous paintingGeorges Seurat The Models paintingVincent van Gogh Village at Sunset painting
petulantly when he asked her why she wasted so much time with the village's craziest girl. Mishal's new reticence worsened the itch in Mirza Saeed's heart, and made him jealous, too, although he wasn't sure if he was jealous of Ayesha, or Mishal. He noticed for the first time that the mistress of the butterflies had eyes of the same lustrous grey shade as his wife, and for some reason this made him cross, too, as if it proved that the women were ganging up on him, whispering God knew what secrets; maybe they were chittcring and chattering about him! This zenanato have backfired; even that old jelly Mrs. Qureishi had been taken in by Ayesha. Quite a threesome, thought Mirza Saeed; when mumbo-jumbo gets in through your door, good sense leaves by the window.
As for Ayesha: when she encountered the Mirza on the balconyhe wandered reading Urdu love-poetry, she was invariably deferential and shy; but her good behaviour, coupled with the total absence of any spark of erotic interest, drove Saeed further and further into the

Sunday, November 2, 2008

John William Waterhouse Apollo and Daphne painting

John William Waterhouse Apollo and Daphne paintingVincent van Gogh Tree and Man paintingVincent van Gogh In the Jardin du Luxembourg painting
She came wide awake at once, plunging her hands into her thick, curly, hennaed hair, in which the first strands of white were just beginning to be noticeable; she knelt on the bed, naked, with her hands in her hair, unable to move, until Jumpy had finished speaking, and then, without warning, she began to hit out at him, punching him on the chest and arms and shoulders and even his face, as hard as she could hit. He sat down on the bed beside her, looking ridiculous in her frilly dressing-gown, while she beat him; he allowed his body to go loose, to receive the blows, to submit. When she ran out of punches her body was covered in perspiration and he thought she might have broken one of his arms. She sat down beside him, panting, and they were silent.
Her dog entered the bedroom, looking worried, and padded over to offer her his paw, and to lick at her left leg. Jumpy stirred, cautiously. "I thought he got