Alphonse Maria Mucha Monaco Monte Carlo paintingAlphonse Maria Mucha Medee paintingAlphonse Maria Mucha Heidsieck and Co painting
nothing about how to pull strings and get things done quickly, or who were the men with real power. I got into great trouble with Caligula almost at once. He entrusted me with the task of having statues made of Nero and Drusus, to be set up and consecrated in the Market Place, and the Greek firm from whom I commissioned them promised faithfully to have them ready on the day fixed for the ceremony early in December. Three days before I went along to see how the statues looked. The rogues hadn't begun on them. They made some excuse about the right coloured marble having only just come in. I flew into a temper (as I often do on occasions of this sort, but my anger doesn't last long) and told them that if they didn't get workmen busy on the blocks and keep them at the job night and day I would have the whole firm-owner, managers and men-thrown out of the City. Perhaps I made them nervous, because though Nero was done on the afternoon before the ceremony-it was a good likeness too- a careless sculptor somehow broke Drusus's hand off at the wrist. There are ways of repairing a break of this sort, but the join always shows and
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