Monday, September 15, 2008

Raphael The Holy Family painting

Raphael The Holy Family paintingWilliam Bouguereau The Broken Pitcher paintingWilliam Bouguereau Love Takes Flight painting
pleased to see him go, like my grandfather, were hushed by the sight.
Bray then glided, as it seemed, to the central space between the stands, turned to face the Shaft, and raised his arms. Though the light was failing fast (shadow, in fact, went up the column as the sun went down, and determined the rate of Max's ascent), he began another series of metamorphoses more remarkable even than the earlier: not only did the color and apparent cut of his vestments change at each halyard-heave, but his face and form as well.Stroke: he was Max himself!Stroke: pretty Anastasia!Stroke: the late G. Herrold! At every transformation the crowd roaredHurrah (sometimesOlé), the band saluted, and Max went up another measure on the Shaft, blowing kisses and pulling his beard. Now Bray was The Living Sakhyan, now great black Croaker, and then in rhythmic series Maurice Stoker, Kennard Sear, Eblis Eierkopf, Lucius Rexford, the brothers Hector (both at once), hat-faced Classmate X, Leonid Alexandrov, and my passèd lady mother! Last of all he assumed the semblance of myself, complete with stick and shophar -- and in this guise, as

1 comment: said...

Raphael The Holy Family painting"