Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Frederic Remington paintings

Frederic Remington paintings
Francisco de Goya paintings
On two occasions her fortune has failed her, on two occasions she has found herself discovered and betrayed; and on both these occasions she failed before the fatal genius sent doubtlessly by Heaven to combat her: D’Artagnan has conquered her-her, the invincible power of evil.
He had deceived her love, humbled her pride, thwarted her ambition: and now he is ruining her fortune, depriving her of liberty, and even threatening her life. Moreover, he has lifted the corner of her mask —that ægis with which she covered herself, and which rendered her so strong.
From Buckingham, whom she hates as she hates all she has loved, D’Artagnan averted the tempest with which Richelieu threatened him in the person of the queen. D’Artagnan has passed himself off on her as De Wardes, for whom she had conceived one of those invincible tigress-like fancies common to women of her character. D’Artagnan knows the terrible secret which she has sworn no one should know

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